Sunday, September 11, 2011


Harry potter series are the best films I have ever seen. I liked the story, actors, special effects,etc., This series is unique, compared to other series in Hollywood. I like this movie very much. I like mostly ”chamber of secrets, goblet of fire, order of phoenix, half-blood prince, deathly-hallows part-1 & 2,, when compared to other parts. In half-blood prince, when Albus Dumbledore was murdered by Severus snape,I thought he was a person sent by Voldemort to kill him. But when I watched “deathly hallows part-2,”, I came to know that Dumbledore gave the responsibility of protecting Harry potter from Voldemort, by making Voldemort believe in him, so that he can protect Harry from evil plans. Dumbledore gave his life for Harry potter. I felt sad, because this unique series will never come back, but we have a luck to watch this movies through technologies like dvd, PC, even mobiles, etc.,