I have many incidents, where I became the fool. Let me tell you an incident, that day…was a holiday. My sister was playing computer games and I was just watching her. I did not like that,so I asked her to give a chance to play, she said,”hey,hey…….umm let me play”. I was boiling with anger and ran. I complained to my father, then my father thought of an idea and went to search a damaged mouse. He came and said,”oh,oh little take this beautiful mouse and play”. I was so happy. Then my father pretended as if he connected the wire of the mouse to the system. I started to move the mouse and the game was going on, I thought I was playing there, but my sister was playing. At that moment I became the fool. How horrible that scene was!!! I was too small child to know all these. At that moment my father, mother and also my sister were laughing, I don’t know for what reason they were laughing, but now I know. And it was an utter shame for me.